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Easily integrate Inventory Management, Digitalize end-to-end!

Meet the applications we are integrated with,
Qapera digitalize restaurant management from end to end.
Build a digital management system for your restaurant!

Our Integration Network

Qapera Modules

  • Odoo

    Easily complete the integration between Odoo and Qapera and digitalise your restaurant end-to-end.
  • Logo İş Başı

    Easily complete the integration between Logo İş Başı and Qapera and digitalize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • PlusPay

    Easily integrate PlusPay with Qapera and digitize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • Adisyo

    Easily integrate Adisyo with Qapera and digitize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • Bizim Hesap

    Easily complete the integration between Bizim Hesap and Qapera and digitize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • QNB eFinans

    You can use your single credits for e-Invoice, e-Archive Invoice, e-Waybill, e-Ledger, You can use it...
  • Linga

    Easily complete the integration between Linga and Qapera and digitize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • Kolaybi

    Easily complete the integration between Kolaybi and Qapera and digitize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • Logo

    Easily integrate Logo with Qapera and digitize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • Paraşüt

    Easily complete the integration between Paraşüt and Qapera and digitalize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • tikohesap

    Easily complete the integration between tikohesap and Qapera and digitalize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • Luca

    Easily integrate Luca with Qapera and digitize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • Narpos

    Easily integrate Narpos with Qapera and digitize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • Xero

    Easily integrate Xero with Qapera and digitize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • Eformül

    Easily complete the integration between Eformül and Qapera, digitize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • Intuit

    Easily complete the integration between Intuit and Qapera and digitize your restaurant end-to-end.
  • Genresman

    Genresman is designed to be an indispensable part of your business.
Put control of your restaurant or cafe at...